Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Typical Beauty potion Indonesia

Typical Beauty potion Indonesia

Currently Indonesian women seem to prefer to spend lots of money to buy imported beauty products, but it seems it is time you think again.
Because, some traditional herb native to their own country and away from harmful chemicals.
Some of the following ingredients that is the secret weapon to look beautiful Indonesian women of old:
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1. Herbs
In the past, herbal medicine derived from Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace actually belongs only to citizens of the palace. Herbs was classified as secret. Along with the times, the palace finally began to teach making herbal medicine in society. Now herbal medicine is not only famous in Indonesia, but also exported abroad.
Jamu is actually famous sebgai traditional medicines made from natural ingredients such as rice, kencur, ginger or other crops. Potent herbal medicine makes us look beautiful. For example, herbal tell locks made of rhizome key and betel leaf can eliminate body odor or herbal pahitan made of bitter which can eliminate the acne.

2. Scrub
In addition to herbs, scrubs also is one of beauty recipes originating from the palace. These scrubs tradition supposedly is a hobby of the daughter Mangkunegaran, Solo. Scrub is a concoction made from natural ingredients and spices like betel leaf, white turmeric, ginger, vetiver, temugiring and grain, or fruit. Scrub is used throughout the body and left for a while. Because scrubs are very useful to keep your skin healthy and smooth.

3. Cold powder
Women Kalimantan has since hundreds of years ago put this powder for facing the hot sun at the equator and their facial skin to look healthy. Interestingly, not only women who wear the cold powder but also the men.
supposedly, cold powder contains vitamin B and thiamine are good for skin health. This powder made from rice that is soaked for two days, dried, and then mixed with other spices and small round shaped. To use it, we live only destroy the grain of the hands using a little water, then rubbed into the face. The face will instantly feel cold and ready to face the sun.

4. Tawas
Stone which is also known as Alum this certainly is not foreign to us. Besides being so secret potion ancestors long ago, various famous brands deodorant was already wearing these substances in the mixture. Anti-bacterial properties that exist in the alum can prevent the bacteria that cause odor of the armpit. Not only that, alum also does not generate heat when in use, so do not make the surface of the underarm skin will turn black. Way of life, we only need to prepare alum that has been crushed and then dissolve it in water, and apply on underarms.

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